Using a power meter opens up a wealth of training opportunities. Here’s how to make the most of them


Published: Wednesday, 31 July 2024 at 10:00 AM

The ability to train with power sets cycling apart from a lot of other endurance sports.

If you’re lucky enough to have a power meter aboard your bike, or you use a smart trainer with a built-in power meter, you have access to one of the best tools for measuring your fitness and tracking your progress.

Owning a power meter is only half the battle, though. It can be tricky to know how to get the most from training with power when you first start out. You have a wealth of data at your disposal, new training terminology to dissect and analysis software to navigate.

With that in mind, we’ll cover some of the main ways you can use a power meter to make your training more time-efficient and effective.

What is power?

Training with power is more accessible than ever thanks to on-bike power meters and smart trainers. – Russell Burton / Our Media

Power (measured in watts) is a combination of the force (or strictly speaking ‘torque’) applied through the pedals and cadence.

Your wattage is an objective measure of your external training load, i.e. it tells you how much work you’re applying to the pedals each second and the mechanical energy you’re generating in the real world.

Power vs heart rate

This differs from heart rate, which measures internal training load, or in this case how hard your cardiovascular system is working. Both are valuable training metrics but measure different things.

Power is precise and fast to respond in comparison to heart rate. Due to the delay associated with heart rate response, short, high-intensity efforts often only elicit a relatively small change in heart rate, despite the workload being comparatively high.

As a result, using heart rate can often under-estimate the strain of a given training session. A power meter can help you capture more detail about your ride.

Five ways to train with a power meter

Having the ability to measure your power output offers several major benefits for a focused cyclist who wants to train with data.

1. Plan and perform workouts

Simon von Bromley riding a Wahoo Kickr Core smart trainer
Power meters make structured training much more effective. – Our Media

By using different combinations of training intensities and manipulating the duration of both the work and rest intervals in your workouts, it’s possible to stimulate the specific changes in your fitness needed to achieve your goals.

These goals might include improving your endurance on rides lasting several hours, increasing your VO2 max or boosting your threshold power. Using a power meter will enable you to target the specific intensity required to fast-track your fitness in a particular area.

Power-based training is most often prescribed as a percentage of your threshold power, where Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and Critical Power (CP) are often used to determine this threshold.

Both broadly represent the maximum power that can be sustained for an extended duration – typically between 30 to 60 minutes. Above this threshold, fatigue accumulates much more quickly than below.

Whether you want to create your own training plan, work with a cycling coach, or use one of the many indoor cycling apps and training software packages, a power meter can help you get the most of your sessions.

2. Assess strengths and limiters

Group of cyclists during the Droitwich CC’s 2024 event
Critical Power testing can reveal where your strengths and weaknesses lie. – Joseph Branston / Our Media

Power data can be used to understand the durations and intensities over which you are stronger or weaker. This indicates the types of riding you might be suited to, and where to focus your training to improve your limiters.

To determine this for yourself, try performing several maximal efforts over a range of shorter and longer durations (e.g. five seconds, one minute, five minutes and 20 minutes).

From here, there are many power profile tables and other resources available online to help you gauge what type of cycling you’re physiologically suited to.

You can then also develop a training plan to target any weaknesses. Or, you can focus on the areas that will make the difference in your chosen discipline, be it hill-climb racing, criteriums, cross-country mountain bike racing, cyclocross racing or sportive riding.

3. Track progress

Jack Evans doing 4km time trial in bicarb study
Regular fitness testing is best done using a power meter to check how many watts you can produce. – Chris Teagles

Power can also be used to assess how well you’re responding to your training programme.

This could be through formal fitness testing to track improvements in the maximum power you can hold over a certain duration. Or, it can reveal improvements in your regular training sessions.

For example, you might see an increase in the power you can hold in a particular interval workout, or maybe observe a lower heart rate for a given power output.

4. Pace efforts

Liam Cahill riding in aero bars on pink Lauf gravel bike
Using a power meter can help you pace your efforts, whether they last for hours or minutes.

When it comes to competitive situations, power can be very helpful in helping you pace your effort better.

It’s very easy to go out too hard in the early stages of a time trial, sportive or a HIIT workout, since it takes time for your effort perception to catch up with the actual workload.

And although power meters are less common on gravel bikes than road bikes, a power meter could benefit your pacing strategy in gravel racing too.

Power data tells you objectively how hard you’re working, removing external influencing factors that can affect heart rate (for example, sleep, caffeine intake and altitude). Therefore, you can back off when you see that you’re going over your limit.

5. Monitor fatigue

Cyclist resting while taking in the view
By analysing power data, you can spot signs you need to take it easy. – Joseph Branston / Our Media

Arguably, one of the best ways to use power is in conjunction with a heart rate monitor and your subjective feelings on the bike.

Over time, you should get a good sense of what data is ‘normal’ for you. Deviations from the ‘norm’ can indicate that you might be overtraining, or even in the early stages of illness. This can signal the need to reduce training for a few days to allow your body to recover.

Common signs of fatigue and/or illness include:

Training intensity zones

Female rider in light blue top riding the Cannondale Scalpel 1 Lefty full suspension mountain bike
Knowing your training zones helps you ride at the right intensity. – Andy Lloyd / Our Media

A helpful method of planning power-based training sessions is to use training zones.

Each zone relates to a small number of target physiological adaptations or training goals. Zone 1 allows for faster recovery, zone 2 develops aerobic fitness and endurance, and zone 5 builds your VO2 max.

There’s a good deal of overlap between the training zones. But using training intensity zones offers a useful starting point for planning and analysing your training. You can then better target the fitness changes you want to see.

Training intensity zones are generally based on FTP or Critical Power. You can determine these by performing one or more maximal effort tests and applying the appropriate calculations.

ZoneNameHeart rate (% of threshold HR)Power (% of threshold power)Typical duration
1Active recoveryLess than 68%Less than 55%n/a
2Endurance69-83%56-75%3+ hours
3Tempo / Sweetspot84-94%76-90%20 mins to 1 hour
4Threshold95-105%91-105%10 to 30 mins
5VO2 maxMore than 106%106-120%3 to 8 mins
6Anaerobic capacityn/aMore than 121%30 seconds to 3 mins
Edit Table

Power meter terminology for analysing your data

Training with power puts a wealth of data at your disposal – but you need to know what to do with it. – Simon Bromley / Immediate Media

Lots of metrics can be calculated and tracked with a power meter, and deciphering each can be overwhelming for a newcomer.

A number of software packages and cycling apps are available for analysing power data, including TrainingPeaks and Golden Cheetah. Strava also offers a more limited set of analysis tools.

Here are seven key metrics you’ll want to look at when analysing your data.

1. Average Power

What is average power?

This is an average of the power output produced during a ride or selected portion of a ride (e.g. an interval).

How to use average power

Average power is perhaps the simplest metric to look at to quickly understand how much work you did in a ride (or within an interval). You can see how this lines up with what was expected or targeted.

2. Normalized Power

What is Normalized Power?

Liam Cahill climbing on gravel incline on pink Lauf gravel bike
Normalized Power will often exceed your average watts after a stop-start, off-road ride. – Scott Windsor / Our Media

In a ride with variable power output, Normalized Power is the power output that you could have achieved for a similar metabolic cost if riding at a consistent effort.

TrainingPeaks developed the idea of Normalized Power. Other training apps use similar metrics. Strava’s equivalent is Weighted Average Power

How to use Normalized Power

Normalized Power is particularly useful when a ride or interval features large fluctuations in power output. It can better represent the true difficulty of a ride or effort.

Here’s a simple example. It is more taxing to ride for one hour, alternating between 30 seconds at 300 watts and 200 watts for 30 seconds, than it is to ride consistently for the same duration at 250 watts.

This is due to a number of factors, but relates mostly to the different energy systems used to produce power rapidly versus steadily – the former has a disproportionately higher energy ‘cost’ than the latter.

That’s why a ride with repeated surges or high-intensity intervals will be harder than a steady-state ride, even if both have the same overall average power.

As a result, for a given ride, Normalized Power is a rough estimate as to the consistent power output you could have ridden at for the same metabolic cost. This is particularly useful for analysing the effort of rides with repeated surges or lulls in activity and is often used to compare performance against FTP.

3. Work

What is work?

The mechanical work produced by pedalling a bike, measured in kilojoules (kJ).

How to use work

Calculating the amount of work done during a ride makes it very easy to estimate the caloric expenditure. The amount of kJ produced when cycling is roughly equivalent to the number of calories burned, due to the mechanical efficiency of the human body.

This is great for cyclists looking to improve their body composition and match their carbohydrate intake to the demands of training.

4. Training Stress Score

Two cyclists on the coastal road back to Epidavros Greece
Training Stress Score takes into account duration and intensity. – Joseph Branston / Our Media

What is Training Stress Score?

Another term developed by TrainingPeaks, Training Stress Score is a measure of the total training stress accrued in a training session. Training Load is Strava’s equivalent metric.

How to use Training Stress Score

TSS depends on both the intensity (or Intensity Factor, as we’ll come on to) and the duration of the ride. A TSS of 100 would represent riding at your FTP for one hour, whereas a TSS of around 15 to 30 would represent a gentle 30 to 60-minute recovery ride.

You can use TSS to understand the training stress of a single session or the accrued training stress of multiple sessions within a training block and its impact on your performance. In turn, this can help avoid overtraining.

5. Intensity Factor

Rachel Bennet riding at UK Cross-country masters national championships.
By racing flat-out for an hour, you can get close to an Intensity Factor of one. – Nick Bailey / Man Down Media

What is Intensity Factor?

Intensity Factor is the ratio of your Normalized Power to your FTP. For example, an IF of 0.8 suggests your Normalized Power was 80 per cent of your FTP.

Again, this is a term TrainingPeaks uses. Strava uses Intensity to the same effect, looking at your Weighted Average Power for a ride and presenting it as a percentage of your FTP.

How to use Intensity Factor

Intensity Factor provides a quick and consistent way of understanding the intensity of a particular training session, compared to your current level of fitness.

Intensity Factor can also be used to gauge improvements in FTP – for example, if you produce an IF of 1.05 or greater during a ride or race of around one hour in duration.

6. Watts per kilo (w/kg)

UK national hill climb championship crowd shot
Your power-to-weight ratio determines how fast you can ride uphill. – Jack Luke / Our Media

What is watts per kilo?

The power produced relative to your body weight.

How to use watts per kilo

When climbing, it’s better to use your watts per kilo (w/kg) or power-to-weight ratio than average or Normalized Power alone. The greater influence of gravity means bodyweight plays a much greater role in your speed and performance when riding uphill.

7. Efficiency Factor

Efficiency Factor measures the relationship between power and heart rate through a ride or a section of a ride.

To calculate Efficiency Factor, TrainingPeaks software divides Normalized Power by average heart rate to produce a ratio. The higher the number, the better.

How to use Efficiency Factor

Over time, Efficiency Factor can indicate how your power output is changing at a given input (of heart rate). This is useful during base training as a proxy for your aerobic fitness.

Let’s say that at the start of your winter training plan, your Efficiency Factor for an endurance ride is 1.6. Later in the plan, your Efficiency Factor has risen to 1.8 for a comparable ride. That means you can produce more watts for the same input and have become fitter.

Limitations of training with power

Wahoo TRACKR heart-rate monitor.
Using a power meter in conjunction with a heart rate monitor and RPE will arm you with a fuller picture of your current fitness. – Scott Windsor / Our Media

While training with a power meter is undoubtedly an effective look for cyclists, there are some limitations to be aware of.

Cost aside, one of the biggest limitations of training with power is the difficulty in determining accurate training intensities on an individual basis.

FTP can be overestimated by some of the common testing protocols used. What’s more, training zones are based on population averages. So even if your FTP is set accurately, the standard zones may not always be exactly right for you.

Simon von Bromley of BikeRadar riding a Giant TCR road bike on a Wahoo Kickr Core smart trainer
FTP tests can overestimate your threshold power to the detriment of your training. – Our Media

Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to heart rate and perceived effort, in combination with your power data, to iterate your training to suit you.

There’s also day-to-day variation in the power you can achieve, which you’ll need to account for when planning and analysing power data. It’s helpful to have a wattage ‘range’ in mind for a particular training session, rather than a single power number.

Power meters also produce a lot of data. You can easily get bogged down in the numbers when you go to analyse them.

FTP test protocol on a Wahoo Elemnt Bolt bike computer
Power data is insightful but don’t become a slave to the numbers – subjective assessment works too. – Our Media

It’s important to keep the bigger picture in mind and make judgments on whether you’re improving overall. Don’t just focus on the power output you can sustain for a single effort duration.

Finally, power data can’t always accurately capture the true strain of a particular ride. Factors such as heat, dehydration, and under-fuelling can all increase the fatigue accrued from a session.

Ultimately, the most valuable way to use power data is in combination with both heart rate and RPE. This combination allows you to see more of the picture and strengthen the conclusions you can draw from the data generated by a power meter.